Christmas at Mom's

Monday, December 06, 2004

Will there be SNOW????????

The last few weeks, Angie and I have been watching the weather to see if there will be snow on the ground for Christmas. Angie says that if she is going to risk her life to get on an airplane in the winter, there better be lots of snow. We went to Wal-Mart the other day to get some new boots for the trip. Angie got size 8 men's boots and has been wearing them around the house to get used to them. I want to make a big snow fort to have a big snowball fight.

T minus 360 hours to Operation Christmas @ Mom's in activated.....


  • Angie - perhaps Santa will get you a nice parachute for Christmas...

    Personally, I'm hoping he will get me a squirrel-free apartment...

    By Blogger Kat, at December 9, 2004 at 9:59 AM  

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